1 Can I try Globalchat for free?

You can try any product free for 14 days. You can buy, upgrade or cancel at any time.

2 What is Pro?

Pro subscriptions include additional features not available in Essential. You can upgrade to or downgrade from Pro subscriptions at any time.

3 Can I try more than one product?

Yes, you can trial more than one product. You can add or remove products at any time.

4 What are Teammates and Seats?

A Teammate is anyone in your company with an Intercom account. You can have unlimited teammates in Intercom for free. Teammates have full access to the Messages and Articles products. You can choose which teammates have a paid

5 How do you define leads and customers?

Leads are people who visit your website that have replied to a message or shared their email address. You can upload your existing leads via CSV. Customers are people who have created an account for your website or app. Learn more about how leads and customers are defined.

6 Is my customer data safe with Intercom?

Keeping our customers' data secure is the most important thing Intercom does. We go to considerable lengths to ensure that all data sent to Intercom is handled securely. See here for more information including our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.